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Privacy Policy

Last Updated Date: December 1, 2023

Our company attaches great importance to protecting the privacy and personal data of visitors / users. Personal data means only the information relating to an identified or – on the basis of some characteristics – an identifiable natural person (data subject) under the relevant legislation (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 / EU). Information relating to legal persons and groups of persons or statistical information that cannot be reassigned to an identified or identifiable natural person does not fall within this category and is excluded from the scope of the relevant legislation.

This Privacy Policy is fully compatible with the European Regulation on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data (EU / 2016/679) and the Greek Legislation. Our company may modify this policy, at any time and without notice, by announcing any such modification through our website. By navigating and using our website, visitors / users recognize that they have read, understood and unconditionally accepted the Data Protection Policy.

In the following terms, you will find important information about the species, the purpose of using your personal data, protecting it, and your rights as the subject of that data. For any clarification you can contact our company’s Privacy Officer at or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Address: 7 Riga Feraiou, Alexandroupolis, P.C. 68131
  • Telephone: +30 25510 27477

Personal data we may collect:

When you visit our website, you are not required to provide us with your personal information. The only cases where we ask for your personal information are in the online submission form. In this case, we ask for the following information:

  • Name and Surname
  • Email Address
  • Shipping Address
  • Telephone Number and Mobile Number
  • Tax Identification Number (VAT Number)
  • When you visit our website, information such as the IP address (Internet Protocol address) of your computer may be automatically collected.

For more information, please see our relevant cookie policy below or the Terms of Use.

Our company may operate a page on social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube, but it does not process any personal data. There is the ability to communicate with the administrators of our company page by sending a message. If the webmaster of the page receives messages that contain personal data of individuals, these are completely confidential and their use serves solely the reason for communicating with us and after fulfilling the purpose for which they were collected are deleted.

Our company does not exercise and cannot exercise influence and control over the nature and extent of personal data collected and maintained by social networking platforms as a condition or effect of its use and has no responsibility for the collection and processing of personal data they make. For more information about the purposes of collecting and further processing and using personal data from social networking platforms and about the rights and arrangements available to protect your privacy and personal data, please consult the privacy policy of the particular social networking platform.

The principles and principles of personal data collection:

Our company collects and processes the personal data of the visitors / users only in the fulfillment of its aims and functions and more precisely in order to serve the communication with you and in the context of providing services and marketing purposes. The processing is limited to personal data that are necessary and appropriate for the fulfillment of the purposes and functions of the node. Processing is subject to the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation and related EU law, Greek law and relevant international treaties and conventions.

Use of the personal data we collect:

The personal data we collect from our communication platform, as well as any other data that may be sent to us via our profiles in the various social networking systems, are used only for the purposes of communication with you and for your better service. Cookies when navigating the website are used to analyze our website traffic as well as to better understand your preferences and to display ads related to them on third-party websites. No further processing, promotion or exchange is made on these data. In any case, for the above use of your personal data, prior consent is required of you.

Cookies policy:

When navigating this website, our company may collect user identification data using corresponding technologies such as cookies and / or Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking. Cookies are small pieces of text sent to the browser from site visited by the user. The use of cookies makes it easier for the website to memorize information about the user’s visit, such as your preferred language, remembering your preferences for safe search, counting the number of visitors or facilitating the registration on our services.

How to control cookies:

You can control and / or delete cookies according to your wishes. Details can be found here: You can delete all cookies already on your computer, and set up most browsers in a way that prevents cookies from being installed. However, in this case, you may need to customize certain preferences yourself each time you visit a site. The user may make use of the website without any problems and without the use of cookies, but possibly at the expense of its usability and the operation of certain services. Any personal data that is collected through cookies and can be associated with a particular visitor / user is processed only for the purposes mentioned above.

Transmission / disclosure of data to third parties:

Personal data collected may be communicated or transmitted to third parties, provided this is required to fulfill legal obligations or is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes and functions of the website, subject to the guarantees of the relevant legislation. We may assign to natural or legal persons the processing of certain services and functions of the website. Only those personal data that are necessary for the performance of the commissioned services are forwarded to these persons and are bound to our company regarding the confidentiality and the safe processing of the personal data.

Your rights in relation to the processing of data relating to you:

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 / EU, you are entitled, both during the collection phase and later on, to be informed of any processing of data your purpose, as well as the communication / transfer to third parties and their identity (right to information and access). You also have the right to request the correction, update or deletion of your personal data we hold. You also have the right to limit the processing and the right to object. For your information and the exercise of your rights you can contact the Privacy Officer at privacy (at) Also, according to the Rules, you have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority.

Confidentiality and security:

The personal data we collect in the context of the operation of the website is absolutely necessary for the purpose of communicating with you. They are strictly confidential and are respected only for the needs of this communication. Access to this data has few executives in the organization who are committed to maintaining confidentiality. In addition, we have sufficient security systems and we take all the necessary and appropriate organizational and technical measures to avoid any personal data breach (leakage, disclosure, access by non-entitled persons) from our systems.

Modification of this privacy policy:

This Privacy Policy may change whenever required and always in accordance with national and European law. For this reason, you are invited to visit this page at regular intervals to your own information. By navigating and using our website, visitors / users recognize that they have read, understood and unconditionally accepted the Data Protection Policy.

Contact Us: For any question that arises regarding this Privacy Policy or if you believe there are ambiguities and inconsistencies with this policy for our part, you may disclose it to the Privacy Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Cookies Policy:

When navigating on this website, our company may collect user identification data using corresponding technologies such as cookies and / or Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking. Cookies are small pieces of text sent to the browser from a site visited by the user. The use of cookies makes it easier for the website to memorize information about the user’s visit, such as your preferred language, remembering your preferences for safe search, counting the number of visitors or facilitating the registration on our services.

How to control cookies:

You can control and / or delete cookies according to your wishes. Details can be found here: You can delete all cookies already on your computer, and set up most browsers in a way that prevents cookies from being installed. However, in this case, you may need to customize certain preferences yourself each time you visit a website. The user may make use of the website without any problems and without the use of cookies, but possibly at the expense of its usability and the operation of certain services.

Limitation of our company’s liability:

The purpose of this website is to provide the best visitor / user information and to connect professionals with visitors who want a job. The level of security is proportional and our company makes every effort to ensure the complete and technically safe and secure operation of the website. Our company does not guarantee that the services of this website and its individual pages will be provided without interruption and without errors. Our company does not warrant that this website or any other related website or “servers” through which the content is made available to visitors / users is provided without “viruses” or other harmful components. Our company is not responsible for any errors, omissions or other defects, delays or interruptions in the provision of website data, or for any actions that are related to the use of or resulting from this data. Our company does not guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy, accuracy, sufficiency or completeness and updating of the content of this website.

Use of third-party websites:

This website may contain “links” to other sites. Our website does not control the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites, to which it refers through “links”, hyperlinks or electronic billboards banners) and is not responsible for them. Our website should in no case be deemed to embrace or accept the content or services of the websites and pages to which it refers or links to them in any other way. Our company does not guarantee and does not bear responsibility for the content and the functionality of links available through or to whom it refers. Our website may contain “links” to other websites or make use of links. Our company does not control the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites s, to which it refers through “links”, “hyperlinks”.

Applicable law:

The terms and conditions of use of this website, as well as any modification or change thereof, are governed by national, Union and international law. Provisions of terms of use that are inconsistent with this legal framework automatically cease to apply and are removed from the website without prejudice to the validity of other terms of use. In order to contact website content issues or related legal issues / requests, please send an email to privacy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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